You can help us by:

Donating Food:

Canned and packaged goods

If you wish to donate meats and fresh produce please contact the food shelf to coordinate with volunteer staff at 651-528-6224.

Monetary Donations:

DonateMake checks payable to “Hugo Good Neighbors Food Shelf”
Mail to:

Hugo Good Neighbors Food Shelf
PO Box 373
Hugo, MN 55038


Duties for volunteers range anywhere from stocking shelves, weighing incoming & outgoing food, helping clients shop, packing grocery bags and helping deliver grocery bags to clients cars. Our volunteers help guide new clients through the shopping process and registers & verifies ID of each client who comes to us for shopping. Other areas include special events like helping prepare and distribute food baskets and toys over the winter holiday season, staffing fundraising events such as working a sign in table or helping to sell raffle tickets, setting and breaking down at event venues and helping plan and coordinate fundraising activities. Other volunteers may assist with food pickup and delivery to the food shelf. Whatever your skill and ability level, we can find a place for you to volunteer your time at the Hugo Good Neighbors Food Shelf!

Volunteer Form


The Hugo Good Neighbors Food Shelf is a 501c(3) non-profit organization.

The Hugo Good Neighbors Food Shelf is also now the recipient of the Fresh Green Buck$ sold at Festival Foods in Hugo. The fresh produce certificates in $5, $10 and $20 amounts allow the HGNFS to purchase produce for distribution to our neighbors in need.
Please consider making a Fresh Green Buck$ donation. Your support is greatly appreciated.